74 Years
05 JULY – 30 AUGUST 2019

…this exhibition is now closed …

Positioned abruptly in what the OA.N describes as a moment of cognitive short-termism, 74 Years is an exhibition that brings together works from 11 contemporary artists working in a variety of media. The title is a reference to the Trinity Test on the 16th of July 1945, a moment that the Geological Society later coined as; the start of the era in which mankind has had a significant impact on the geology of the earth, or, the Anthropocene.
The steady normalisation of states of disaster across the world is a powerful demonstration of the human capacity to avert the mind from impending catastrophe. 74 Years aims to confront this cognitive short-termism and engage with our present epoch by presenting carefully curated art works in a setting where you are invited to consider the events of the last 74 years and their impact on the systems of the Earth.

More information and links:
OA.N exhibition gallery
open call